I am in class -- MY SUSTAINABILITY CLASS, MIND YOU -- eating my sandwich, minding my own beeswax. I am singled out in class and called "Crunchy." By. The. Professor.
For the record, I am singled out for eating an almond butter and lavender honey (unfiltered, of course) sandwich on Whole Foods Seeduction bread. But the kicker was the fact that it was wrapped in a reusable sandwich wrap as opposed to using plastic baggies. The company that I got them from has as a tagline "Plastic bags blow." LOVE that! They estimate that I will save 1000s of baggies from landfills over the lifetime of this wrap. How cool is that?
As you might have sorted out by now, I have no qualms about being the center of attention. Seriously, I write a blog about my daily putterings so I accept the fact that I am an extrovert. But I hate being the center of attention for "mandatory reasons." Being singled out in class is a prime example of that. This is the reason why we had three people at our wedding (and one of them was not invited). The idea of zooming down an aisle and having three hundred people staring at me was revolting. Just not a "ta da" kind of girl, I guess.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago