Hubby's quote of the day: "Doing that is like performing an emergency root canal on a menstruating hippopotamus."
Totally random but it amused me nonetheless.
Sweet boy has a ton of stuff; hence why we call him the most overindulged baby on the planet. But I swear it is not us who buys all of it - the boy has a fan club with founding members that include my immediate family, Kim, Tom and Ody. Does a 7 month old need a ride-on alphabet tractor? No, but we have TWO of them. I will admit to going a little overboard on some Boden, Gymboree, PBK and Janie and Jack clothes but honestly the treasure trove that is his room was not done entirely by me. It takes a village as they say.
I got so much stuff from Pottery Barn Kids for my shower (stuff that was adorable but I don't need 8 full sets of towels especially for an infant), that I took a bunch of it back and bought myself some little someun someuns. I am sure that makes me a "bad mom" in some peoples' eyes but they can kiss off. I went through 36 hours of labor for him, in exchange he can front me some organic cotton sheets.
That being said, here is some stuff that if you are pregnant you HAVE TO HAVE. When you get the memo that I have taken over the world, here is what you will get when you give birth (note that it will not include those crappy formula-sponsored diaper bags filled with one sample and lots of propaganda).
** A swing, preferably one that goes both forward/backward and sideways (apparently the sideways mimics the womb so they like it more. Who knew?). Hubby and I love it so much that we call it "Truth" because it sets you free. Yes, I do find myself to be clever.
** A good camera. This might be obvious but we had ghetto camera with a flash that, I kid you not, was like the sun. Get a good one. Learning how to use it is the next step (I am not there yet).
** A bouncy thing with all the gizmos that play tunes, bounce and spin. Ours is jungle themed and we call it the Magic Monkey Machine. Seriously, if you want to be free for hours, get one of these jobbers.
** Homeopathic teething tablets. They are like crack but don't cause nasty nose burns or gauntness.
** Sophie the Giraffe. Yes, $20 for a plastic giraffe seems like insanity until your little critter gnaws on it for hours. Then you realize that you would indeed give a kidney for it if necessary.
** Benefit Ooh La Lift (it makes the mornings of dark circles more bearable)
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
When I can expect to receive the first addition of Joy's Guide to Parenting? I'm sure it will have a much cuter title a la Three Martini Playdate :)