about being a Mom.
EveryONE (parent or not) is more than happy to tell you about the yucky side of parenting. "Sleepless nights ... poo ... crying" but very few people tell you all the great stuff. Being an optimist (and having spent very few sleepless nights with my non-crying baby; I have, however, dealt with more poo than preferred), let me share some of the totally great stuff.
** having a baby (especially your baby) fall asleep in your arms is about the most serene feeling in the world.
** listening to babies laugh is a feeling like no others. Making them laugh? It simply does not get any better (and I get a lot of laughs from a lot of people).
** no one will ever convince me that sweet bebe is not talking to the angels when he wakes up in the morning. He will lie in his crib babbling away and looking in three different, very specific places (Hubby and I like to think it is my dad, his mom and his grandpa).
** even a harried, frazzled, overworked adult can find sitting on the front porch watching the bees and hummingbirds to be a great way to spend an afternoon.
** blowing bubbles is a perfectly reasonable pastime in the summer.
** dancing to Elmo is cool.
** you will never feel happier than when your baby's face lights up simply because he sees you.
** if you are at a restaurant early waiting for someone to show up, you don't feel awkward and alone -- even if your companion is bald, asleep and drooling.
** you treasure quiet time like you never have before.
** you find yourself humming Elizabeth Mitchell songs.
** you whip out photos when someone casually asks "how's the baby?" You do this even though you know they were only asking to be polite and that they really don't care about the answer. You don't care that they don't care, you just want to see them again your own self.
** you obsess over your baby's weight, not your own.
** baby clothes are so fun to buy.
** when out you find yourself wondering "I wonder what bebe is doing?"
** you can't recall FOR THE LIFE OF YOU, what you and your honey talked about before you had a baby. The same is true for how you used to occupy your time.
** when you experience something incredible, you can't wait to take your child there. I must have said a hundred times while on safari, "I can't wait to take my baby on safari."
** you start to measure time in weeks or months, not years.
** a new tooth appearing is cause for celebration.
** you look at the new Fall Collection from Janie and Jack before Valentino.
** Robeez!
** seeing them learn something new is as magical as learning it yourself.
** a baby curled up on your lap "reading" is one of the best times of the day.
** toothless smiles are some of the most beautiful.
** two words: footie pajamas.
K-Bar List Jobs: Dec 30, 2024
1 week ago
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