I know, I know a totally dramatic title but it was all I could come up with.
So, in continuing the thoughts from yesterday -- if you feel like (or ever felt like) your life was out of control, what were the last bastions of your "normal self" you refused to give up, even when you felt like you were walking chaos (I often refer to myself as "chaos in heels.")
Since having a baby and losing control of my life and time, I have: Stopped flossing regularly. Cleaned out the fridge only once (in 10 months, insert 'ewww or egads' here). Not checked out a library book (they expect them back in a timely manner). Sent e-cards for people's birthdays, even significant birthdays. Bought eggs at Target (only once, I am normally faithful to Whole Foods' organic Omega-3 eggs but I was desperate one night). Had chipped toe polish. Faked an orgasm so I could go to sleep 10 minutes earlier (I normally recommend against this practice since it sets a dangerous precedence. However, Hubs is a rock star so I feel I am safe). Put in only enough gas in the carto get me where I need to go because I am running too late to possibly fill the tank all the way.
That being said, there are some things I can't bring myself to sacrifice yet. Some of mine are:
1) I still change out my handbags more than the average bear. Not as much and I used to (twice a week) but I still do it at least once a month. Pathetic for me given my obsession but better than once a season or year (egads!).
2) When I put my shoes away, I still take the time to stuff the toes of them with tissue paper. I hate to see people with wrinkled leather or, worse, toes that roll up. Ewwww! However, I let them pile up by the door until it resembles a really trendy Stonehenge. THEN I put them away, stuffed toes and all.
3) I wear mascara every day. I am from Texas. No further explanation necessary. {And, no, I do not consider lipstick to be make-up, why do people always ask Texas girls that? Of course we wear lipstick to the gym, we consider it to simply be a sparkly version of Chap Stick}.
4) We still eat organic and (mostly) made-from-scratch stuff. The food industry today is what the tobacco industry was fifty years ago. Processed food scares the bejesus out of me.
Do you have any last shreds of "I refuse to give this up even if I am on the Crazy Train?"
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
Thank you, Joy. No kiddos yet, but since meeting The Amazing Michael 5 years ago, the order in my life is gone. Kinda fun sometimes to be living life by the seat of my pants, but Sheeeesh, sometimes I just need things to be where they are supposed to be. A little bit OCD about my kitchen --gone. Crazy about the shoes going back into their plastic boxes when they come off the feet --random boxes all over the closet with pictures of the lost shoes posted like wanted posters on their sides. And the car --I just had to get another one. We'll just leave it at that. hearts, Mikki
ReplyDeleteOh don't even get me STARTED on the car thing. Hubs used to clean it out and now that he no longer has the time... it is a rolling mess. I got rid of the top layer of detritus and it involved 13 baby socks (four pair and five singletons), part of a bottle, three of my shoes, two lip balms, some melty Luna bars, a pregnancy test kit (yes from a year and a half ago. Surprise, it was positive!) and a lens to a pair of sunglasses. I would hate to see what is in layers two through nine. Oh egads!