I know it has been a while since I have blogged. There are some reasons, the first of them being, I have been busy, uninspired and, well, lazy. This takes a lot more effort than it seems like it should. I mean, really, how much time can it possibly take to write several paragraphs? And sometimes it seems like no one is reading this anyway so what is the point?
I am, clearly, not a fan of the winter months. I simply need sun and warmth to make me believe that life will go on. Pathetic, yes, but at least I own it.
A couple of nights ago, Hubby and I watched Julie and Julia. I totally "got" that movie for several reasons including: 1) I am madly in love with Julia Child 2) I am a blogger and 3) I love to cook (and am into the whole local and organic food movement). I actually cried a bit when Julia Child died and, oddly enough, I was in Paris when it happened.
This tearful episode is remarkable for the reason that I am not a cryer. Never have been -- probably never will be. I can tear up when I hear fantastic news or feel a major sense of relief. I have been known to tear up when watching Hubby and bebe sleep while holding hands. But full-fledged waterworks running down my face? Hummm, perhaps every other year. Maybe every third year. I just don't do it.
Hubby finds this to be one of my endearing traits -- don't all men hate the random TearFest? However, when I do sob, it absolutely gets his attention and he knows that I mean business.
But back to the point, the movie made me wonder if I should not have more of a focus to my blog. Right now it is funny stories, some recipes, random baby stuff... But I don't have a hilarious pass-along every single day. Yes, I am witty but, seriously, people I am not a walking calamity.
Plus, a lot of what I put in here is stuff I want to remember about bebe. Everyone tells me that "you swear you won't forget things and you absolutely do." Given the fact that I believe these folks (I was never the girl who had to learn by my own mistakes, I could totally look at someone else's cock-up and decide not to jump off the proverbial bridge myself), I have opted to write the incidents down. I figure when I go to the old lady home, someone can read my stories to me and amuse me while I eat pudding.
So, I have kind of decided to make the new and improved blog have a piece of advice everyday for sweet bebe. Of course, I will still have random snippets, recipes and stories. But at least the advice part I can come up with every single day rather than whenever I have a specific story to tell.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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