So, when bebe boy was 10 months old he had 15 words. You know, the usual: Mama, Dada, ball, truck...
My favorites were "takoo" for "thank you" and his very extended "welcommmme." And, yes, I was thrilled beyond all comprehension that among his first words were thank you and (you're) welcome. Sniff, sniff.
At about 12 months, he lost interest in those words other than Mama, Dada, Wiwah (for Delilah the bulldog, his bff) and Hummy (what he calls our dog, Humphrey).
However, now he whips out the occasional phrase that is shocking and not to be repeated no matter how we cajole, beg. threaten.
The first one was "Ididn'tknowwhereyouwere?" while he wandered around with his arms in the air.
The second one was "LoveyouMom" after he ran across the room, planted a smackeroo on my mouth and then zoomed off. Yes, I melted and, don't deny it, you would too.
Today, he fell asleep in his car seat clutching, of course, a ball. He is endlessly fascinated with balls, it is such a cliche but, I swear, we don't encourage it.
He wakes up, looks around his car seat and asks "Wheremyballis?" Not exactly correct English but give the kid a break he is only 18 months old.
His declaration of love for me was only a couple of days before his declaration of his love for football.
You have no idea how grateful I am for this...
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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