"We are eating dinner. That means, sit down, limit your dancing and please keep your belly out of the barbecue sauce."
"It's a little like religion and a lot like sex, you should never know when you're going to get it next" sung of gumbo by none other than Jimmy Buffet
"That baby would never make it as a caveman, he is too loud. And chubby."
"Man, that kid has a huge head. He is like a human Bobble-head." {Sadly, this is somewhat true. The boy is in a 4T hat at 20 months. What can I say? Big head, big brain. But he does not look like a Bobble-head nor does he fall over from the sheer weight of it. No worries}.
"That woman is the social equivalent of waterboarding" (said about my mother by my hubby).
"You know I only shovel the coal on your crazy train. Hell, I don't even get to ring the bell." (said by Hubby about me. Not nice but true and funny).
We took the little guy to his first baseball game (last weekend). He has always been obsessed with all things ball-related but it is at a crescendo now. He insists on wearing his baseball glove at all times and everything is a bat. If he is practicing his swing with a candle/umbrella/zucchini (we moved the huge plastic bat outside. Clearly, this has not impeded the process), he wears the glove on his head. Since I have taken all the balls out of the main level of our house (and this was no small undertaking), he has had to find viable ball-substitutes. Therefore, our lemon trees are bald and I have been hit in the ear with a very large onion. For the record, onions hurt. A lot.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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