Thursday, July 8, 2010


My neighbor babysat bebe boy twice a week for eight months and he ADORED her.  Unlike Mom and Dad (the duds), she did nothing other than entertain the baby all day.  If he wanted to throw a tennis ball to her dog for five hours, she was more than happy to accommodate (yes, he was often able to wear out a German Shepherd).  He called her Oma (she is Dutch and fab-u-lous in every way).  Oma also keeps a huge supply of bananas on hand (hers, clearly, taste better than the bananas I buy).  

It always amazes me that people assume that babies have no short-term memory or "real" feelings.  Here is a perfect example to the contrary...

So the other day we are going to see my midwife (yes, I am pregnant again in case you missed the announcement) and I tell Luc "we are going to go see someone who loves you very much."

He shouts "OMA!" and starts running for the door with a banana and a tennis ball in his hand.  I felt horrid disappointing him...

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