This is a quickie to balance out yesterday's epic blog.
A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about my neighbor (Wall of Death) who had to remove the woodpecker head and the elk haunch from my front lawn while Hubby was in Afghanistan.
This is the sequel to that story. He called me later that month and asked if he could put some stuff in my freezer since he had just shot a buffalo in South Dakota. Fine, fine. No worries. I open the garage door and in it goes. I {stupidly} assume that he had left wrapped meat in the freezer.
A week later, I go to get my Ben and Jerry's out ... {insert scary music here}... I open the freezer and much to my surprise --- there is a buffalo head in my freezer. Yes, a head. No paper covering it just a little frost in his beard.
You can only imagine how happy this made me.
I call him {slightly hysterical} screeching "There is a HEAD in my freezer! A head, Russ, a head!"
He {ever calm} replies, "Yeah, I put that in there."
I screech back, "I did not assume that the South Dakota mob was sending me a message! When are you planning on taking the wooly mammoth out of there?!?"
"It is a buffalo, not a mammoth." {Clearly, my panic and sarcasm do not phase him}
I ended up buying new ice cream and not opening the freezer again until Hubby got home from 'stan. I still swear I have PTSD from the entire event.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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