Not that I am particularly wimpy but the following are things that scare me. And, of course, I have omitted the obvious like something happening to my family {that one is universal, these are odd}:
1) canned biscuits -- I hate the explosion thing. Granted, it is small and contained but I don't like the sound or the popping part. My mom is the only other person I know of who has this issue. She and I have been known to partially unwrap the can and then tie it up in a dishtowel. We then toss said package in one room while we stand in another room, behind a door, covering our ears and humming. Sadly, I am not making this up.
2) birds -- I am terrified and irrationally petrified of birds. They have those nasty claws and beady little eyes. The feathers. Irregular flight patterns. Flapping wings. Egads, egads, egads. And I am not the only one on the planet with this fear since it has a name: ornithophobia.
Here are some of my favorite phobias (none of which I have):
Anglophobia -- fear of England or English culture {how can you fear fish and chips?}
Arachibutyrophobia -- fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth {unpleasant but, really, does this count as terrifying?}
Bolshephobia -- fear of Bolsheviks
Consecotaleophobia -- fear of chopsticks
Dextrophobia -- fear of objects at the right side of the body {this one must suck since half your world is out to get you}
Genuphobia -- fear of knees
Octophobia -- fear of the figure 8 {does this imply they are also afraid of infinity?}
Oenophobia -- fear of wines {c'est tragique}
Oneirogmophobia -- fear of wet dreams {insert your own joke here}
Phronemophobia -- fear of thinking {I know so many people in which this is, clearly, undiagnosed}
Porphyrophobia -- fear of the color purple
Sesquipedalophobia -- fear of long words {cruelly, the sufferers are unable to tell people what their fear is, since its name itself has 8 syllables}
I was at a conference in Vegas. Because it is Vegas, this scenario does not seem bizarre but ... there was a little person dressed as a leprechaun shouting into a Mr Microphone offering people tickets to see an all-nude roller derby. I kid you not. One of the women came into the conference hysterical. Turns out, she is afraid of leprechauns. People were kind of mocking her and I felt like I had to step in {always one for the underdog, that is me}.
I lightened the situation by saying "That is like the best phobia ever. I am afraid of birds and you see those weaselly bastards everywhere. Being afraid of leprechauns is so much better since you never see them outside of cereal box covers and, well, Vegas. It is like being afraid of unicorns. I am totally jealous."
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
I think we need DNA testing...
ReplyDeleteI HATE opening cans of biscuits. I don't go as far as tossing them into another room, but I DO wrap them in a towel. Explosives are not my thing, even the Pillsbury form. :)
I also HATE the canned biscuit opening! I make Kirk drop what he is doing, surgically scrub his hands (and no, I don't need information about OCD...I'm pretty clear on the concept...) and open those horrible exploding cans. Bisquick boxes, however, are almost as easy and neither make loud noises nor try to jump from my hands.
ReplyDeleteThe next time someone swears I am crazy, I will be using you two as my "no siree, Bob" references. I got tear-gassed in Tanzania (while I was caught in a riot, no less) and that scared me less than birds and biscuits. How ridiculous is that?