Pat Robertson (hereafter referred to as Idiot Boy) has decided that Haiti's earthquake happened because the Haitians made a deal with the devil. Swear to God, I am NOT making this up.
Several years ago, we had one of hubby's colleagues and his wife over for dinner. Having never met them, I assumed (WRONGLY) that they would be normal.
She introduces herself and then says "Katrina happened because New Orleans is full of sinners."
Yes, literally, her opening statement to me was "Hi, I am Nut Job. Did you know that Katrina happened because of sinning?"
No doubt, she did NOT go to charm school. What kind of an intro is that? Nothing about "Something sure smells yummy" or "You have a lovely home." Nope, let's lead in with crazy-ass religious views.
Since this was Ken's boss I decided to try and be diplomatic instead of ripping into her like I normally do. "Umm, aren't we all sinners?"
"Well, yes, but my pastor says that New Orleans has more sinners than other places."
"Not to be a math and logic geek. But... if we are all sinners, then all locales are at 100% sinning population. Hence, we are all at risk for an ass-whopping from God."
"Oh, well, maybe they have bigger sins there."
"Detroit has a higher murder rate and, hence, more murderers. How come no hurricane there? Well, other than the little detail about no coast line." {And for the record she did not credit the hurricane AT ALL to well, proximity to water. Just sinners.}
"Well, they have Mardi Gras too."
"As does every po-dunk town in the Western world. And bigger celebrations in Venice and Brazil. Yet, no Katrina."
"I don't know. You should talk to my pastor. I just listen to what he says."
"Have some Kool-Aid." {She did not get my reference. Shocking, I know, given her worldliness and sophistication}
But still she won't let it end. Honestly, for a lemming who blindly follows a pseudo-pastor with no official doctrine, theological education or history (they meet in his basement) she was persistent.
After an entire bottle of champagne (she is not allowed to drink), I lost it. My diatribe ended with "And, I hate to be logical in addition to free-thinking but ponder this. If God is smiting down sinners and their cities how PRECISELY did World War II Germany survive without a tsunami, hurricane, earthquake or locusts?"
Surprisingly, we never dined together again.
I have to apologize for being judgmental, but Press Secretary Gibbs needs a Thesaurus.
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