So today bebe and I head to Kindermusik which gets all these rave reviews from parents. I don't get it, it seems crazy-lame to me. I am dancing in a circle with maniacal mommies singing and mooing around me while bebe stares at all of us like the men with the big nets are about to show up and take us all away for a "rest."
Should it not improve, we will be asking for a refund and directions to the nearest swing set.
But, of course, me being me. There had to be an incident. Before the class even started. Bebe and I are sitting on the floor with a couple of other babies and their moms. Every baby grabs some shaker/noisemaker thing and is rattling it. Sweet bebe brings one over to the youngest person in the class, a six month old girl named Katie. Katie coos. All is well.
Bully kid (one in every group), Jerry, saunters over and grabs the shaker from Katie. Bebe will have none of that; he crawls over, grabs it back, shakes his finger at the bully and delivers the toy back to Katie. Katie is such a girl -- she coos her appreciation.
Bully Jerry grabs it back and runs across the room with his plunder. Bebe boy, once again, goes over grabs it, shakes his finger at him and this time gives him a little baby lecture along with the pointing. Bebe delivers it back to Katie who coos and bats her eyes.
Undeterred, Jerry (who I swear will one day end up running the country of Iran or, possibly, Venezuela), grabs it back from the unsuspecting Katie (sweetie, did you not see this was a-coming? Get a clue, cutie). My sweet child has had it with the bully stealing from someone smaller and weaker. Clearly, he has a Robin Hood gene in him somewhere. He goes over, grabs the toy back and CLOBBERS Jerry with it. I mean knocks the stuffing right out of him. While Jerry holds his head, bebe boy proceeds to give him the lecture again.
While crawling back to deliver the toy to Katie, bebe boy looked over his shoulder several times to give Jerry the stink eye.
I always swear that my husband is Captain America, always fighting for the little guy. Clearly, that gene has been passed on to our son.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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