Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gratitude - Bebe Boy

So today is Thanksgiving.  I am always trying to instill a sense of gratitude in bebe boy.  Not that he has everything but, seriously, he has everything and more a little guy could hope for to end up happy, healthy and smart.  Having non-addicted, non-crazy parents who live in a developed part of the world is, I swear, 90% of the battle.  But that is just me.

So, I am explaining to bebe boy (who turns two next month!) the whole Thanksgiving thing and gratitude. Not sure if he gets it I ask "What makes you happy today?"  Here is his list (I swear I am not making this up.  I am funny but not THAT funny):

1) Football
2) Poop
3) Toots
4) Taffy (his nanny, who ROCKS and is actually named Stephanie but this has been reduced to Taffy)
5) Jackets

I have now decided I am going to record this every day (until I lose interest).

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