from yesterday...
Other stupid (stoopid, even) things that I have heard since you were born about homosexuals:
"His hair is too long. If you don't cut it, he is going to be gay."
"Boys should not wear cardigans, they will end up gay."
And my personal favorite:
"Aren't you concerned that he likes strawberry ice cream? It is 'gayer' than chocolate."
Oh honest to God, if your grasp on heterosexuality is so tenuous that ice cream is the deciding factor, you are going to be gay, my darling baby boy. And for the record, that is fine with your daddy and I. Please do not be one of those closet cases full of angst and self-loathing. You are one of the most beloved people on the planet, your sexuality could never change that.
Our view is what someone does in the privacy of their own bedroom (between consenting adults) is none of anyone else's business. {Child molesters are another story but they are, statistically, heterosexual men. And dead if they come near my sweeties. And I do mean, D E A D but previous to death, tortured. Hubby has a degree is that kind of stuff, don't tempt fate in case you are a fan of my blog}.
I know, I know. Totally out of character but occasionally I post pictures of sweet bebe boy and it kind of freaks me out.
And, for the record, your daddy loves strawberry ice cream and he is decidedly heterosexual.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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