Sunday, June 27, 2010

#34 On Why I Am a Bad Mommy

At times, I feel like I am not exactly an exemplary mom.  Now don't start calling CPS just yet on me.  I spend $10/day on just organic strawberries and Omega 3 fortified, organic milk.  Yes, I have drunk the Cool-Aid, but I can't argue with the results.  He never gets sick, has never even had diaper rash and has the sunniest disposition imaginable.  If it ain't broke...

And to my credit, I did not yell at you, sweet bebe boy, when you were gnawing on my Hermes bag.  I did not get upset when you gave me yogurt dreadlocks.  Hell, I laughed it off when you pooped in the tub (while I was in it, btw).

That being said, it seems like other moms are much more bedraggled by their offspring.  And, for whatever reason, I assume that makes them a better mom than me.  Yes, my shirts are always dirty (but I consider evidence of baby lovin' and hugs rather than a permanent state of filth) but other than that....

We don't have a Raffi CD so there is not one permanently stuck in my car CD player.  I figure when you drive, you can choose the music but in the meantime, Shortie, Mommy chooses.  {Though I must admit that it makes me melt that you are so enamored with BB King.  Have I mentioned that you are one kick-ass, cool kid?}

I have yet to buy fish sticks, chicken nuggets or that pre-packaged applesauce in little plastic containers.  You have teeth, you can eat real salmon and apples.  Momma does not believe in breading or artificial thickeners, whatever the hell they are.

We have no qualms about having a glass of wine on the deck while you zoom around in your Porsche pedal car tormenting the dog.  Not every activity needs to be interactive with Mommy and Daddy, especially while we are having margaritas.

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