everyone has to have had them so they appreciate all the great stuff they later have. You, kiddo, will be no exception. I assume that we will be able to well afford a car for you but you are going to have to earn it.
Here are some of the crappy jobs your daddy and I have had:
** an ice cream scooper at Braums (though, not to brag, I can still square dip with the best of them and I make a wicked milkshake)
** a clown at McDonalds
Daddy's jobs went to the dirtier:
** laying sprinkler systems. In the summer. In South Texas.
** being a short order cook on an oil rig.
Yep, they suck they make you appreciate the good life when you get it. There is NOTHING worse than a kid with a sense of entitlement. Nothing.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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