This is totally sappy so consider yourself forewarned.
I think too many people spend their time harping about their spouses when, in reality, they should be on-their-knees-grateful for them. Not that I don't occasionally (okay, often) bitch about Hubby but fortheloveofgawd, this woman was like a perpetual complaint machine. At least I acknowledge publicly {and often} that if my only gift to the world is a son who is half the man is father is, I have done more than my share.
I was at a Starbucks this morning eavesdropping on perhaps the most whiney-ass woman on the planet harp about her husband. "Um, perhaps the issue is not that he does not communicate with you but more that you are a harpy-ass bitch, lady?" Cut him some slack, you talk enough for both of you, another small family and a yippy dog.
Now, don't get me wrong. Some men are assholes who should be shot at dawn. I get this. {What I don't get is why women stay with these types} He has 12 children with 11 different women. He pays no child support. Does not know the middle names of half of his offspring. Works rarely and, when so, at a minimum wage job. And yet you think you are going to change him? Big news, babydoll, that man is broken and can't be fixed. Don't bother trying. Sweet talk is great but action is what matters.
Love in action is a man who rocks the baby to sleep; not out of obligation but out of the deepest and truest love for that little person.
Love in action is a man with an extra pair of baby socks in his pocket "in case his feet get cold at the park."
Love in action is a man who gets up in the middle of the night to cover the aged dog with a blanket.
Has anyone else noticed that sit-coms make husbands and fathers out to be more clueless and useless than a Crock Pot? Do the writers just assume that stupidity and banality are funny?
So in that vein, for all the good guys out there who don't get nearly the credit they deserve... consider this a public shout-out in your defense.
Here are a few of the reasons why I adore my amazing husband more than anything, And, yes, I know I am beyond lucky. (For the record, I am skipping all the obvious stuff; these are the little extras that make my heart skip a beat):
1) He is the best whistler I have ever met
2) He always has a pocket knife (which comes in way handier than I will ever admit)
3) He is not afraid to set mousetraps ... or empty them (yucko!)
4) Even in a sound sleep, he is over-protective of me and the baby
5) He always turns on the seat warmer on my side of the car
6) He does not mock my irrational affection for perfect cubes, pi, phi or the number 19
7) He can load a dishwasher better than anyone I know
8) I have not put gas in my car since the 90s
Yes, I decided to end on a perfect cube. If you don't like it, get your own blog...
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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