I had an email-free weekend... fabulous but today's Inbox is a little scary. So, I figured I would post Sat, Sun and today's yahooos all at once.
Saturday: Totally grateful for aspirin. I had a major hangover from too much wine {and sushi} on Friday night. Note to self: you are no longer 25, self. Stop drinking like you are. And, furthermore, self, bebe does not care if you are hungover and will still wake up ready to play even if you are not. Use your head for something outside of a hatrack, self.
Sunday: I was ridiculously grateful for my neighbor snow-blowing my driveway. {I normally get annoyed with people randomly making a noun into a verb but, yet again, it is my blog so adapt}. Hubby is sick and I really loathe shoveling snow.
Monday: I am so grateful for my neighbor watching bebe. She is totally the "Oma" we all wish we had and my son is in love with her. It is so cute to see them as the founding members of the Mutual Admiration Society. And God love anyone who is willing to spend that many hours pushing him in a swing at the park... I lose interest at the half hour mark. I know, I know -- bad mommy.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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