A further explanation of yesterday's FB status.
Hubby and I are extremely blessed and we know it. We are, however, afraid of raising a spoiled, bratty child. You know the ones: they demand a toy because they did not throw a tantrum at Target (let me tell you how well demands worked at my mother's house), they have yet to utter "please" or "thank you" by the tender age of 16, they complain because they don't have this or that (my new Mercedes has a flat tire - wah, wah, wah), they would not know volunteerism if it wacked them in the face.
Yes, I realize that he is not even a year old and that he is great at sharing (he shares his yogurt with Delilah the bulldog, unless it is Banilla, his favorite. If that is the case, the dog can rot). However, I still worry that he will be bratty at some point and I figure there is no time like the present to start his appreciation for all his blessings. {On a personal note, I am CONVINCED beyond a doubt that one of the reasons why I have received so much is because 1) I give a lot to non-profits {time and money} and 2) I am one grateful bitch. I believe it is a law of the universe. Seriously. Try it and let me know if your life does not start looking up.}
So, Hubs and I decided that every year we would make a donation to Heifer International (LOVE THEM) in bebe's honor. By the time, he is 18 we want to have donated an ark (their words, not ours). In our idyllic world, he will research and figure out how many lives the donations have changed over time (like the dozen chickens we donated year two would have become x chickens now and would have produced y eggs, saving z lives because of protein, minerals, etc). Philanthropy and Algebra combined: boNANza!
I know, I know it is probably rose-colored glasses to think that an eight year old will want to donate part of his savings {we are thinking we might expect him to donate 10% of his allowance, birthday booty, etc to causes of his choice -- what do you think of that? Are will going to raise a well-rounded, giving sweetheart or stingy curmudgeon if we "force" it upon him?}. However, we do have this vision of him helping to select the animals in the future and him wanting to help pay for the gift.
Last year we gave ducks (because he had a pair of duck pajamas that I loved. Brilliant rationale, I know). This year, we are deciding between chickens and bees. But we might have to repeat the ducks because he loves his rubber duckie so, so much. Sadly, he can't eat honey yet and does not have a rubber chicken. Though he loves lamb kabobs so maybe we should donate some sheep... oh, train of consciousness, how easily you get derailed...
So, that is the long version of my Facebook status from yesterday.
K-Bar List Jobs: March 2, 2025
3 days ago
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