Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Accounting Avoidance

Still trying to avoid Accounting for a bit longer...

Just thought about the following counts:

In 10 months of life, sweet bebe boy has had three black eyes (he was born with one, YIKES!), one split lip, road rash, several bumps and a lot of scratches.

He has also stained his (gorgeous) platinum blonde hair with the following:  strawberries (the pink gave him a slightly punk look that was kind of cool in an 80s kind of way), poo (no details should be provided), chocolate (last week's pictures and posting) and a black stripe of permanent Sharpie.  And they are not joking when they claim permanence; it looks like I drew a part on his scalp (even though it was an ill-fated attempt to get him to decorate a mini pumpkin).  I know he will later hate his hair (don't we all go through that?) but for now, I refuse to cut it.  When he gets out of the tub and it is curling around his ears --- well, there are few things cuter.

My brother said this morning "that kid looks like a cherub.  Jesus, he is cute.  But he is going to need SPF 80."

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